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What is Depression?


Many people experiencing the symptoms of depression might begin to wonder if there is something really wrong with them. One typical fear is that they might be going crazy. Unfortunately, the reactions and comments from other people such as, “Just get yourself together!” are not very helpful.

Although you might feel alone in your struggle against depressive moods, the reality is that many people experience these moods from time to time, or even regularly. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in every 4 persons experience significantly depressed mood at some time in their life.


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Depression can affect any kind of person at any stage of their life. You may be an introvert or an extrovert, socially active or shy, youthful or elderly, male or female, wealthy or poor. Whatever your distinction, you can become depressed. That means that any person you know has the potential to become depressed at some point in their lives. So remember, you are not alone.

Depression is a word used in everyday language to describe a number of feelings, including sadness, frustration, disappointment and sometimes lethargy. However, in clinical practice, the term “Depression” or “Major Depression” differs from these everyday ‘down’ periods in three main ways:

1) Major Depression is more intense.

2) Major Depression lasts longer (two weeks or more).

3) Major Depression significantly interferes with effective day-to-day functioning.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the major therapies now recommended by medical experts and GP’s, and has a strong evidence base to show significant improvements in Depression. So if your reluctant to take medication, get in touch with our cbt therapy nottingham clinic and see how we could support you to overcome Depression.

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